
The Next Gen of Soda, for Living Things

The Task

We were tasked with creating a brand from scratch, targeting health-conscious, trend-setting Gen-zers and millennials - involving everything from selecting the brand name to crafting its identity. The brand needed to integrate seamlessly into the trendy atmosphere of an East London café as well as a supermarket meal deal - whilst exuding taste and health benefits. All while navigating a fiercely competitive and saturated market.

The Idea

Our strategy was to rejuvenate the category with a brand identity that exudes vitality. After considering hundreds of options, we settled on the name "Living Things," infusing playful, provocative, and abstract language that hints at gut health in a fun way. The focus was on amplifying the enjoyable, feel-good, and guilt-free aspects of the product, and transmitting this through an eyecatching identity that jumped off the shelf.

The Outcome

We crafted a wordmark that is literally teeming with life, complemented by a bold, iconic design approach for clear communication. We introduced curious stickers to enhance expressiveness and employed irreverent photography to distinguish our product from other sodas. Since its launch, Living Things has become a cult favorite, already distributed in major health shops across London and poised for nationwide supermarket expansion.

The Scope

Naming, Brand Strategy, Visual Identity, Bespoke Typography, Illustration, Packaging Design, Art Direction

Creative Director
Design Lead
Art Director
